The Corner


Yeah, We Know

Jon Favreau on Late Night with Seth Meyer (Screenshot via Late Night With Seth Meyer/via YouTube)

In the New York Times, Jon Favreau says too much:

“The gift Joe Biden gave us was agreeing to a debate before the convention,” said Jon Favreau, a former speechwriter for President Barack Obama and the co-host of the popular progressive podcast Pod Save America who has called for the party to consider replacing him. “If the debate was in October, I would be holding my tongue.”

Oh, okay. Then we can safely ignore everything Favreau ever says, can’t we? He wants Joe Biden to drop out because he thinks Joe Biden is demonstrably too old to be president, but if it were closer to the election, he’d say nothing. So, by his own admission, he’s a partisan hack who’ll say anything to help his team, even if it means electing a president who can’t do the job. Understood.

Unfortunately, what Favreau says there is what huge numbers of other people in the press believe, too. Currently, they think they might be able to get rid of Biden, so they’re willing to tell the truth. But the very moment they don’t think that — or the moment they understand that it’s too late — they will shut up again.

Readers ought to understand that — and proceed accordingly.

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