The Corner

Wrong on Wright

Two quick things. Obama says:

“He has never been my political adviser,” Mr. Obama wrote. “He’s been my pastor.”

Two problems:

a) What Audacity. Wright has clearly been a big part of Obama’s life (as we know, Wright inspired the very Audacity of Hope we’ve been hearing so much about). Obama can’t compartmentalize what is already a New York Times bestselling fundamental of his frontrunning campaign.

b) Even if Obama continues to try to be Clintonian about this, there’s an obstacle. Wright actually was Obama’s political adviser, on paper. That’s what the whole resignation thing was about.

As John McCain might put it (if he didn’t feel handicapped by Hagee. He shouldn’t, Hagee’s not been a deep and abiding influence on his life. Hagee is an evangelical Texan who he wanted to help put him over the top in the Texas): My friends, this Wright business is not a Friday news story that will fade away.

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