The Corner


I get some amazingly unique e-mails every day. I’m never quite left speechless. But after this one…:

FYI – Sam and Harry’s is at the nexus of two parallel universes and you and Jonah were not together last night. Your images were an astro-physical projection resulting from an anti-matter convolution on the rim of wormhole (NRO-68432, more commonly know as Buckley’s Warp). All this is much too complicated for mere mortals to understand so its best not to get into it, as the vocabulary to describe such an event has not yet been invented. By my calculations you and Jonah were at least six parsecs apart both physically and mentally. Ms. Lopez, you would know all this if you allowed more Star Trek chatter at the corner. On the bright side, if you did understand the foregoing we would have to kill you to keep is a secret, so its best not to delve into matters of the space time continuum to deeply.

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