The Corner

The World Revolves Around Abortion?

In the cloning debate, as I’ve noted on NRO, concerns have been raised by a minority of the feminist Left that the egg “donations” that will be required for going forth with embryonic-stem-cell research/cloning may not be in the best health interests of women. Go slow, they say. In fact, the foremost proponent of Prop 71 in California, the cloning initiative that passed in November, is now arguing for a three-year moratorium on egg harvesting. Today Ellen Goodman takes that on, annoyed, of course, by the likes of me pointing this new possible alliance out. What it comes down to, she says, is the question, “Can women make these decisions themselves?” Freedom of choice, baby! We saw this come up in some quarters in the Schiavo debate (see here and here—scroll down to Jay’s Sharpton item), of course, too.

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