The Corner

Woke Culture

Wokeness Engulfs the U.S. Naval Academy

The far Left has infiltrated most of the country’s institutions with its divisive, illiberal, and anti-American ideology. That, alarmingly, includes the service academies.

In today’s Martin Center article, J. A. Cauthen, a graduate and former faculty member at the Naval Academy, writes about the way “wokeness” has penetrated into that once-great school.

Cauthen writes, “In early 2021, the Naval Academy published a Diversity and Inclusion Strategic Plan, a complementary compendium to its 2030 Strategic Plan. This vision, if achieved, will erode the competency of future officers and imperil our national security. Endorsed and signed by all senior Naval Academy leadership, from the superintendent to the academic dean and provost, the plan will set the tone and tenor of forthcoming DEI initiatives and programs, with enforcement centralized through the Office of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (ODEI). Drafted and promulgated by ODEI, some of the published objectives and actions read like bygone Soviet and Maoist slogans. To describe these as troubling is charitable; pernicious and punitive are more apt descriptors.”

Evidently, the Washington swamp that needs to be drained extends up to Annapolis.

Diversity and inclusion will now infect the curriculum, displacing needed training with moronic political blather. Cauthen continues, “To ensure full indoctrination, the Naval Academy published, in early 2022, a formal instruction creating what is being called the Diversity Peer Educator Program (DPE). This program requires that midshipmen ‘be taught appropriate terminology [and] facilitation techniques and . . . given the necessary skills and tools to discuss sensitive topics among their peers.’”

Cauthen fears that the infusion of leftist ideology will undermine the Navy’s ability to do its job when we need it, and I do too.

George Leef is the the director of editorial content at the James G. Martin Center for Academic Renewal. He is the author of The Awakening of Jennifer Van Arsdale: A Political Fable for Our Time.
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