The Corner

Wisdom about Happiness from Jane Austen & Lived Experience

An e-mail in response to my interview with Elizabeth Kantor, author of The Jane Austen Guide to Happily Ever After


This is a “Duh!” moment for many women raised before the 60′s and so-called “women’s liberation movement.” This phenomenon sought to not only convince women they were equal but for some reason, superior who really didn’t need men to be happy. Turns out that idea was false! Who wants to marry a woman who lets it be known she believes this – even if she does! Modern culture has removed the need for modesty and mystery in a woman and in retaliation has turned her into a plaything for most men instead of a helpful and loving spouse.

Women’s Lib cut men out from having to be the breadwinner for the family and told women they could have it all!  This attitude contributed to women’s difficulty in finding lasting happiness. It successfully removed common sense and wisdom from the way women approached men and marriage! Most women ARE smarter than most men but I was taught by a Mother who was born in 1898 to rarely let it show. Did that make me less happy? Emphatically, No! I enjoyed 50 yrs of marriage with one man. Yes there were trials and needful denial of self at times but I was taught that a commitment to marriage was not to be taken lightly and also by a very wise sister-in-law that stated to my brother early on in their marriage, that divorce was not an option! They’ve been married for 60 yrs and have found satisfaction if not happiness most of the time.

I hope women will start using their common sense again if they really want to be married and live “happily ever after” to the same man.

Thank you for that interview, and the chance to spout off on a subject that, to me is no mystery.

The Q&A about the clever, wise, healthy book is here, in case you missed it yesterday. 

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