The Corner

Politics & Policy

Some Winter Reading

A new year is here, and with it the new Winter 2018 issue of National Affairs is now online. As always, it’s full of thoughtful essays on public policy, political philosophy, history, culture, and other unfashionable pursuits. 

In this issue you can find, for instance, Rishabh Bhandari and Thomas Hopson on how the scourge of identity politics reaches further than we think, Andrew Rudalevige on what real deregulation would require, Philip Wallach on why Congress matters, Matt Jensen on how transparency could put the CBO in its proper place, Amar Bhide on what banks are for, Allen Guelzo in defense of the Electoral College, Arthur Milikh on why John Adams worried about barbarism, Daniel Ritchie on what it takes to fashion a free people, and more—from the NEH to how norms work to how to rethink unions and how to give voters more options. 

Some are free to all, others open only to subscribers—and here is where you can subscribe. Happy reading, and happy new year. 

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