The Corner

Will’s Take: Contra Eric Holder, Potential for Voter Fraud Is Real

Responding to a recent study in the academic journal Electoral Studies, which concludes that 1.2 million non-citizens voted in 2008, columnist George Will noted: 1.2 million is a lot of votes considering we had a presidential election turn on 547 Florida, votes and the sixtieth vote in the Senate to pass Obamacare came from Al Franken in Minnesota, who won a disputed recount by 312 votes — so these [votes] matter.”

Continued Will: “The attorney general says voter fraud doesn’t exist, but then his employer says there is not a smidgen of corruption in the IRS, so we have to take this with a grain of salt. . . . Catherine engelbrecht, whose group True the Vote was one of the principle targets of the IRS and the FBI and OTF and all kinds of people harassing them, found 6.9 million people doubly registered in 28 states that they looked at. These are fairly substantial numbers. That doesn’t translate into comparable-sized voter fraud, but the potential is certainly there.”


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