The Corner

Will on ‘Orwellian’ Email Scandal: The Clintons ‘Could Find a Loophole in a Stop Sign’

On Fox News Sunday earlier today, George Will had fierce words for both Clintons in the wake of this week’s revelations about Hillary Clinton’s use of a private e-mail server in her time as secretary of state.

“It’s axiomatic that the worst political scandals are those that reinforce a pre-existing, negative perception,” Will said. “The Clintons come trailing clouds of entitlement and concealment and legalistic, Jesuitical reasonings — the kind of people who could find a loophole in a stop sign.”

“Her obvious motive was to conceal. You conceal in order to control. And that’s what makes this literally, strictly speaking, Orwellian,” Will added, citing the famous “he who controls the past . . . ” mantra of the totalitarian regime in Orwell’s novel 1984.

“This is a way of controlling what we will know about the history of our country. And it is deeply sinister.”

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Nick Tell is an associate editor at National Review Online.
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