The Corner

Why Can’t Jews Be Treated Like Muslims?

Good question from the Vengeful Zhid:

I’m just wondering when someone is going to treat Jews like Muslims. Right now there are protests around the world against Israel’s defensive military action in occupied Gaza and without exception you will find the protesters attacking (verbally, though sometimes physically as well) Jews as part of the protests.

After the 9/11 terror attacks we were told that we must not condemn Islam and Muslims when we express our anger at the acts of terror. The government bent over backwards to call Islam a “religion of peace” and the media went so far as to embark on a multi-year, gratis public relations campaign to put a positive face on Islam and Muslims (see, e.g., the New York Times).

So I’m just waiting for all of these entities to condemn anyone who would say negative things about Jews in connection with protests against Israel

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