The Corner


Where Are the Women of Women’s Foundation of California?

A demonstrator carries a Palestinian flag during a rally in San Francisco, Calf., in 2008. (Robert Galbraith/Reuters)

Editor’s Note: During UN Women’s 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence, National Review is featuring 15 women’s organizations that have either supported Hamas’s violence against Israeli women or remained silent about it. 

The Women’s Foundation of California is a feminist foundation based in California. In November, WFC called for a ceasefire in Gaza, increased humanitarian aid toward Palestinians, and a stop to U.S. defense funding in Israel. The organization says that “gender justice [is] at the heart of the solution to any systemic problem” but has not explicitly condemned Hamas’s systemic attacks against Israeli women and children on October 7.

“We are proud to invest in Palestinian Arab-led movement activists and organizers who are creating a future where all people can live in dignity and freedom,” WFC said on November 14. “Women’s Foundation California is supporting Palestinian-led movement organizations, Jewish peace-building alliances, and multi-faith and multi-racial movements in California and across the U.S. at the forefront of advocacy for an immediate ceasefire.”

Some of those organizations include the Arab Resource Organizing Center, which works to “overturn racism, forced migration, and militarism” for working class Arabs in thee San Francisco Bay Area, the Majdal Center, and Solitaire Network’s Unity and Power Fund, which helps progressive Palestinian, Arab, Muslim, and Jewish-led antiwar activist groups deliver aid to Gaza.

“As violence and militarism intensify, so does our solidarity,” WFC said. “In our collective commitment to racial and gender justice, we join the global call for peace, advocating for a future where all our loved ones live free from dehumanization, systemic oppression, and state violence.”

The foundation’s multi-million dollar budget comes from far-left grant-making organizations such as the California Endowment, the Ford Foundation, the Atlantic Philanthropies, the Blue Shield of California Foundation, the Hewlett Foundation, the Packard Foundation, the Levi Strauss Foundation, the Rosenberg Foundation, and the Fund for Nonviolence. WFC has also received financial gifts from the Bank of America, Akonadi Foundation, the Conrad H. Hilton Foundation, Microsoft, New Venture Fund.

WFC partners with George Soros’s philanthropy, the Open Society Foundations. The organization says it is driven by an “intersectional approach to racial, gender, and economic justice.”

Haley Strack is a William F. Buckley Fellow in Political Journalism and a recent graduate of Hillsdale College.
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