The Corner


Where Are the Women of the Global Fund for Women?

Palestinian fighters from the armed wing of Hamas take part in a military parade to mark the anniversary of the 2014 war with Israel, near the border in the central Gaza Strip, July 19, 2023. (Ibraheem Abu Mustafa/Reuters)

During U.N. Women’s 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence, National Review will feature 15 women’s organizations that have either supported Hamas’s violence against Israeli women or remained silent on it. 

The Global Fund for Women is a California-based nonprofit that has given more than $6 million to Palestinian-led women’s-rights organizations since its founding in 1987. Global Fund for Women funds Palestinian organizations that work for “peace and security, for an end to all violence against women, girls, and gender non-conforming people, and against the military occupation of Palestine.”

“Palestinian women, girls, and gender diverse and gender nonconforming people face multiple sources of violence—from the Israeli military occupation to a society dominated by patriarchy,” Global Fund for Women says on its website. “Activists and women human rights defenders are fighting to end the widespread—and, in some cases, legally sanctioned—impunity for violence against women, sexual and gender-based violence, and femicide in Palestine.

“The ongoing reality of the Israeli military occupation,” the organization continues, exacerbates gender-based violence against “Palestinian women, girls, and gender nonconforming people.”

In the weeks since Hamas’s October 7 attack on Israel, Global Fund for Women has said of Israel that the organization mourns the “thousands of dead & injured lives in Israel & Palestine” and condemns the “the violence of Israel & Hamas against civilians.”

The organization blames patriarchal norms and outdated penal codes for the violence against Palestinian women in the West Bank and Gaza Strip but does not mention Hamas’s reign of terror over Palestinians. Global Fund for Women also calls on Israel to “#StopTheMassacre” in Gaza and labels Israel’s counter-attack against Hamas a “genocide of the Palestinian people.”

“[Feminist-movement leaders in Palestine] call for an end to the military occupation of Palestine, and the recognition of their right to self-determination: ‘Because the occupation is the main reason for everything that is happening, and neither Palestine nor the region will enjoy security or peace without ending the occupation,’ as Rural Women’s Development Society in Ramallah let us know,” Global Women’s Fund said. “We loudly join their call.” (Emphasis in original.)

Big-name donors — including the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (which pledged almost $2 million in 2022), the Roy and Patricia Disney Foundation, the Cultures of Resistance Network, the Benjamin Fund, and the Annenberg Foundation — finance the Global Fund for Women. Abigail Disney was one of organization’s board members.

Many of Global Fund for Women’s financial backers are also substantial donors to Jewish Voices for Peace (the Soros-backed anti-Israel movement), the “boycott, divestment, and sanctions” movement (which seeks to isolate Israel economically), CodePink (a pro-Palestinian feminist organization that “[supports] Palestinians’ right to resist the violent Israeli occupation of Palestine”), and the American Civil Liberties Union.

According to tax filings, in 2021 Global Fund for Women issued a $100,000 grant to the Urgent Action Fund, a California-based feminist organization that recently called for liberation of Palestinians who “have been living under violent Israeli occupation for generations.” Urgent Action announced it would provide resources to the female, trans, and non-binary activists in Gaza following Hamas’s attacks. The liberation of Palestine is a feminist issue, the group claimed.

Global Fund for Women has provided $116 million worth of similar grants since its founding.

The organization also champions and helps fund the “MeToo” movement, which condemns rape as a weapon of war, the organization says on its website. Jewish leaders decried “MeToo” activists last month for their silence on Hamas’s gender-based violence against Israelis on October 7. 

Feminist calls should be amended to “#MeToo, unless you’re a Jew,” the Israeli government said this month.

Haley Strack is a William F. Buckley Fellow in Political Journalism and a recent graduate of Hillsdale College.
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