The Corner

When You’ve Lost Milbank…

Of all people, Dana Milbank of the Washington Post has finally turned on Senate Democrats for their egregious failure to produce a budget resolution (762 days and counting). Some highlights:

Although there’s general agreement that the most pressing issue facing the federal government is its runaway finances, the Democrat-controlled Senate hasn’t passed a budget in 762 days, a new standard for dereliction of duty…

In recent days, the process has taken on a new absurdity. Democrats brought up the budget passed by House Republicans for the sole purpose of voting it down. Senate Republicans retaliated by forcing a vote on President Obama’s budget — and it was defeated, 97 to 0…

Both the Ryan and Obama budgets deserved their fates. President Obama’s wimpy plan made no serious effort to reform entitlements, which are the biggest piece of the long-term debt problem. Rep. Paul Ryan’s House GOP budget was irresponsible in a different way: In his zeal to cut taxes, Ryan broke the Medicare promise to future generations…

It is just the sort of thing that offends Americans about Washington: The triumph of tactical advantage over the national interest. Democrats were understandably embarrassed about voting themselves a vacation so soon after abandoning their budget responsibilities. So when Sen. Jeff Sessions (Ala.), the top Republican on the budget committee, demanded a roll-call vote on the recess, Reid used the pro forma loophole.


Andrew StilesAndrew Stiles is a political reporter for National Review Online. He previously worked at the Washington Free Beacon, and was an intern at The Hill newspaper. Stiles is a 2009 ...
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