The Corner

When You Have the Judges, Who Needs Legislators?

Peter Schey, the open-borders litigator who used the courts to kill Prop. 187, force taxpayers to educate illegal-alien kids, and get amnesty for hundreds of thousands of illegals who didn’t qualify under the 1986 law, is back at it. Now he’s suing the government saying that worksite raids are “unconstitutional.” All the more reason to insist that enforcement overcome judicial hurdles and be up and running before talking about amnesty for anyone. As Harvard’s Christopher Jencks puts it in the current New York Review of Books:

Legalization can be implemented within a few years, while penalties for hiring illegal immigrants have to be enforced indefinitely. That means employers get what they want right away, while opponents of illegal immigration have to wait. In view of the federal government’s miserable record on enforcement, no sensible conservative — indeed no sensible person of any political persuasion — would now accept mere promises.

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