The Corner

When in Rome

An e-mail from a friend in Rome last night:

Just got back from a late night Benedict XVI drinking

party at the local pub.

I had safely predicted the 1) “winner”, 2) papal name,

3) and ballot to the owner yesterday, so free drinks

for me.

Rome is like a Saturday night – a very busy Saturday


People who have not been in Church for years are in

the streets celebrating, because a 78 year old German

guy is their new bishop.

Many of my [hard-core] friends are making

comments about that – but I love it. I love that the

Catholic identity of this city permeates everone, even

the neo-pagans. I’ve always said until you understand

the guy who gives up adultery on Fridays during Lent*,

you will never truly understand the Catholic Church.

People are singing, dancing, toasting. These are not

religious conservatives, they are just people.

Habemus Papam!

It doesn’t matter what your relationship is with the

Church, it still means all is right in the world!

* Remember, Friday is pretty good adultery day…It’s

not like he’s taking off Tuesday, or something.

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