The Corner

When In Doubt Run Against the Media

I think it would be smart of someone at the RNC to put together an add collecting snippets of media-pre-celebration about the GOP’s coming defeat. Then, it should say something like this:

“The New York Times and the elite media have  already decided what you’re going to do come election day. They know you’re going to put Nancy Pelosi, Ted Kennedy and their gang back in power. And they are delighted. [cue sound of corks poping and boisterous cheers].  Maybe that should tell you something. And, maybe, you should tell them something on election day.” 

The ad would need lots of pics of smiling Katie Courics, Dan Rathers and Nancy Pelosis and all that (and generally be more polished than this quick version). But I think it would tap into a lot of disaffected voters who may be fed up with the GOP but also can’t stand a lot of things the MSM and the Dems stand for. Remember, according to polls, most self-described independents aren’t happy about voting for Democrats.

Whether, this would be good or right or high-minded and all the rest is a different discussion. But I think it would be smart politics if done right.

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