The Corner

When All You Have Is a Hammer

Every problem looks like a nail.

For weeks, perhaps months, the kibbitzers in the Democratic Party have been insisting that Kerry “go on the offensive” more, attack more, criticize more, etc. Where is John Edwards? Why isn’t he attacking? When will Kerry respond more fiercely? Etc etc. A lot of these messages have been transmitted via the New York Times which now seems to see be John Kerry’s corner man. If he gets knocked down, they snap some salts under his nose, give him some water and then instruct the man to deliver some body blows.

What I don’t get is, well, how should I put this, What the Hell They Are Talking About. All Kerry does is attack, attack, attack. That’s ok in the sense that I like rough elections. But, what I don’t understand is how the likes of Begala et al can think Kerry’s been doing something else. Moreover, what does it say about the candidate and his party that the answer to any shortcoming is to offer more insults, more below-the-belt punches, and distortions?

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