The Corner

What’s the Hurry?

David Harsanyi makes a good point:

Weren’t we promised some methodical and deliberate governance from President Barack Obama? Where is it?

The president claims that we must pass a government-run health insurance program — possibly the most wide-ranging and intricate government undertaking in decades — yesterday or a “ticking time bomb” will explode.

If all this terrifying talk sounds familiar, it might be because the president applies the same fear-infused vocabulary to nearly all his hard-to-defend policy positions. You’ll remember the stimulus plan had to be passed without a second’s delay or we would see 8.7 percent unemployment. We’re almost at 10.

A commonly utilized Obama strawman states that “the cost of inaction” is unacceptable. “Action,” naturally, translates into whatever policy Obama happens to be peddling at the time.

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