The Corner

What’s in a Flag?

A reader reminds me of something that happened long ago — well, not that long ago: 2002, when the Winter Olympics were held in Salt Lake City. (Whatever happened to the guy who ran them?)

In reading your series about the Beijing Olympics, I was reminded of an old column of yours. It was the winter of 2002, and the Olympics had come to Salt Lake City. Early on in the Games, a Salt Lake woman hung a Taiwanese flag outside her window. This was pretty offensive to the PRC delegation, of course, and somebody – can’t remember who – asked her to remove it. Her response was perfect, stating that she could see why some people wouldn’t like it, but this was America, and if you wanted a ban on the Taiwanese flag, you could go to the PRC. I can’t find the column in NRO archives – but I remember it.

And so do I.

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