The Corner

What the Iranian Prayer Leader Said

Oops.  Here is what the prayer leader said:

TEHRAN (Fars News Agency) — Isfahan’s Friday Prayers Leader said that the world arrogance is fearful of Iran’s recent military achievements. “Today no one can talk to the enemies with logic and reasoning, rather we must empower our military might because the world arrogance panics when it sees our military progress,” Seyyed Yusef Tabatabaii continued. He further viewed the victorious resistance of the Lebanese Hezbollah against the Zionist regime as a clear instance of the fact that the Islamic Ummah (nation) is in a desirable condition to defend itself against the world arrogant powers, and concluded, “That’s why the world people increasingly turn to Islam and distance themselves from the world arrogance and its allies.

Michael Rubin is a resident scholar at the American Enterprise Institute, senior lecturer at the Naval Postgraduate School’s Center for Civil-Military Relations, and a senior editor of the Middle East Quarterly.
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