The Corner

Is This What Christie Wanted?

Chris Christie’s behavior in the light of Hurricane Sandy — lavishly praising President Obama and touring Jersey with him (while not appearing with Mitt Romney) — has been perplexing. But according to the Associated Press, Christie has gotten one perk from his actions:


Speaking Monday at a briefing on storm recovery. Gov. Chris Christie revealed he unexpectedly spoke with Bruce Springsteen earlier in the day. Christie had been discussing storm-related matters with President Barack Obama when Obama handed the phone to Springsteen, who was traveling with him as part of a campaign trip.

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Christie says he wept at home after meeting his idol, calling it a major highlight during a tough week.

Katrina TrinkoKatrina Trinko is a political reporter for National Review. Trinko is also a member of USA TODAY’S Board of Contributors, and her work has been published in various media outlets ...
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