The Corner


What Choice Do Democrats Have?

Nancy Pelosi said on Morning Joe today that she wants Biden “to do whatever he decides to do,” and that “whatever he decides, we go with.”

This is hedging, obviously, but it is the only political path forward. If Democrats acknowledge outright that Biden is too old — as some have — and he proceeds as the nominee anyway, then what? Where do you go from there?

You can argue Trump is worse, of course, but you’ve still acknowledged that the Democratic candidate is unfit for the office. Our guy may be physically/mentally unfit, but their guy is morally unfit! That’s not exactly a ringing endorsement likely to help win voters.

Pelosi’s statements are a transparent attempt at preemptive damage control. Politically, though, what choice do Democrats have?

Madeleine Kearns is a former staff writer at National Review and a visiting fellow at the Independent Women’s Forum.
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