The Corner

We’re Not All Crazy

When I read Mosher’s speech, I immediately thought of a Q&A we have up today with Richard Doerflinger, a behind-the-scenes pro-life warrior at the Catholic bishops’ conference. Doerflinger notes — no doubt with the likes of Humanae Vitae in mind:

I wish people realized how many times the Catholic Church has been proved right in its predictions about various directions being bad for us as a society. We said the widespread distribution of contraception would increase temptations to abortion and divorce, mislead people into thinking they could have sex without consequences, and threaten to trivialize sexuality. Is it possible to deny this has happened? We said depersonalizing reproduction through technologies such as in vitro fertilization would lead us to experiment on human embryos and tempt us to try human cloning. We said embryonic-stem-cell research was not only immoral but was being used to make promises of “miracle cures” that people couldn’t keep.

Correct me if I am wrong, but you don’t have to be Catholic to see some good sense in that.

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