The Corner

Well Phrased, Governor

“Bin Laden Is Trying To Help George Bush Because George Bush Is The Best Recruiter That Al Qaeda Has.” That’s Pa. governor Ed Rendell. I don’t know. Doen’t think that goes over well in a state where a plane went down on 9/11. But then, maybe even on the Sunday before E Day, how many people actually watch the Sunday shows?

From an RNC release:

Gov. Ed Rendell (D-PA) Said “Bin Laden Is Trying To Help George Bush Because George Bush Is The Best Recruiter That Al Qaeda Has.” FOX NEWS’ CHRIS WALLACE: “Governor Rendell, let me ask you both but I’ll start with you, how much impact do you think the Bin Laden tape is going to have with voters in your state and which candidate will it help?” GOV. ED RENDELL: “Well, I think it’s actually not going to have much effect. If it helps anybody, it will help the president because it’s just another reminder of the fact that we’re at war and we’re fighting terrorists and that’s the only card that the president has in his hand. But it’s obvious to me that Bin Laden is trying to help George Bush because George Bush is the best recruiter that Al Qaeda has. George Bush is so disliked in the Arab world that we’re creating terrorists every single day. More terrorists than we can even come close to killing.” (Fox News’ “Fox News Sunday,” 10/31/04)

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