The Corner

Well, I Could Use a Drink, But Other Than That This Elitist/Destruction Thread Is Just Getting Tiresome

An e-mail:

Great idea for NR—– Why not party twenty four/ seven? That would keep you from destroying the conservative movement with your self-righteous ” We know better than the President, How dare he not obey us” attitude. And yes, you are elitist snobs— your anger at being called on it just serves to prove how right that charge is.

ME: I post these e-mails because I’m getting them, they’re angry, and they’re the best I can do to represent the RNC partyline for you right now. White House types and some e-mailers who have taken up their cause argue that the grassroots are split with the Beltway critics (broadly, us) on the Miers nomination. The volume in my inbox–and my conversations over the course of the last week–suggest something different, even if the you-are-elitist-whiners e-mail is more entertaining (though increasingly less so).

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