The Corner


Over the weekend I said that I suspect this will not end well for Congressman Weiner. I still think I’m right. Rep.Weiner stands accused of sending a lewd picture to a young girl via Twitter. He says he didn’t do it. At first his office said his Twitter account was “hacked.” Now he says it was all a “prank.” This is an important change in language because to claim his account was hacked is to claim he was a victim of a crime. Meanwhile a prank is something he can wave away.

Meanwhile, the Left has been all over the place. They seem torn between wanting this all to go away and wanting to pin it on Andrew Breitbart or some other conservatives to be named later. That’s a problem because Breitbart et al. seem perfectly happy to have an investigation.

Meanwhile, the only person who wants to let the story die is Weiner, which suggests he’s the one who has done something wrong or knows something he doesn’t want others to know. Even some at Daily Kos realize this is a problem. And while the MSM seems perfectly inclined to follow Weiner’s lead, there are just too many other outlets that will not let go of the story.

I honestly have no idea what happened, but I do know that Anthony Weiner is exactly the kind of Democrat who would sensationalize a story like this if the politician involved was a Republican. And you can be sure the press wouldn’t have to be dragged kicking and screaming to cover it.   

I don’t think this is a colossal scandal, but the selective standards of the MSM drive me crazy. Recall that the NY-26 race we’ve just finished analyzing was a result of the fact that a sitting congressman had to resign because he sent a picture of himself without shirt to a woman on Craigslist. In 2006, Nancy Pelosi used Mark Foley’s scandal to help win back the Congress.

And what if Weiner’s innocent and this is a dirty trick by some right-wingers? Don’t we need to know that? Shouldn’t they be exposed? (You know what I mean! Do you people have any idea how hard it is not to pepper this post with double entendre?)

At minimum, it seems to me that if the Left wants to claim Weiner was set up, then they are honor bound to support a full investigation.

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