The Corner

Watching The Protesters

Kelly Minnis from the Kirby Wilbur show e-mails: Not much went on that I saw. I found myself on 7th NW down the street from the MCI Center. I came across a big gathering of protesters with signs and such but the crowd was very, very quiet. It turned out that the crowd was actually in line to get into the inauguration. There were perhaps 75 protesters salted among the inaugural goers standing in line. The protesters could not really group themselves well as a result of all the street closures and the security conditions. So the protestors went in small groups trying to find some place to make mischief. At least where I was everytime a protester would get a chant going the pro-Bush folks would shout them down with “FOUR MORE YEARS!! FOUR MORE YEARS!!” That tended to keep the protesters meak and mild-mannered. I ran into Marc Morano from CNS News and he said that where we were at was the largest concentration of protesters he could find. Some interesting observations:

1. One overheard comment paraphrased: “You can tell the Republicans out here, running around in fur, leather, diamonds. It is SOOOOO disgusting.”

2. Memorable signs: Draft the Twins

Republicans Are Really Lame

Buck Fush

Who Would Jesus Bomb?

A Blow Job Trumps a Snow Job. Bring back Clinton

Kirby saw a protester outside of the Freedom Ball with a sign that said Nader Lives.

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