The Corner

National Security & Defense

Watch Trump’s Commercial for Netanyahu’s Reelection Bid

From last night’s Hugh Hewitt interview of Donald Trump:

HH: And if Israel acts unilaterally against Iran because they view this deal as so bad, will you unequivocally stand by the action of the Netanyahu government?

DT: Of course, I will. In fact, he’s a friend of mine. I did commercials for his reelection. And according to what he said, I’m the only celebrity, he’s used the word celebrity, this was a while ago, that did commercials, that he asked to do commercials. But he’s a good man, and I would absolutely stand with him.

FACT CHECK: True! You can see Trump’s 2013 endorsement video of Netanyahu here.

“You truly have a great Prime Minister in Benjamin Netanyahu. There’s nobody like him. He’s a winner, he is highly respected, he’s highly thought of by all and people really do have great, great respect for what’s happened in Israel. So vote for Benjamin — terrific guy, terrific leader, great for Israel.”

The video was funded and produced by JDPR, an Israeli public relations firm owned by Jonny Daniels.

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