The Corner

Watch Stanley Kurtz on Hannity Tonight

Ronald Radosh offers a preview of his upcoming NR review of Stanley’s Radical-in-Chief:

Kurtz’s book is based on extensive research through scores of archives no one has thought of looking at.

I thoroughly concur, therefore, in the judgment of my PJM colleague Roger Kimball, who wrote about it last week. Let me add that as I read the book, I was continually jarred by the accuracy of what Kurtz writes about people whom I knew well, groups to which I belonged, and factional fights long forgotten in which I participated, and which all play a part in the path Barack Obama followed to the Presidency.

The path to a statist style government in America, what Kurtz calls “stealth socialism” because as he points out, the concept and the very words come from its adherents, explain much about the current administration and its domestic policies. To understand the present, we need to go back and look at the past.

So kudos to Stanley Kurtz, who has written what I believe is the most important political book of the year. I will be writing a comprehensive review that will appear in a future issue of National Review. But I want to give my readers a heads up. If the msm book reviewers do not ignore it, we can expect a cavalcade of nasty and dismissive reviews, all meant to destroy the book in the hopes that it will not be read.

So don’t let this happen. Trust me on this one. Watch Kurtz tonight on Sean Hannity’s program on Fox News, and buy the book now.

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