The Corner


Watch NRI Foreign Policy Forum Featuring Rich Lowry, Tom Cotton, Mike Gallagher

Senator Tom Cotton (R., Ark.) during A.G. nominee Merrick Garland’s confirmation hearing in Washington, D.C., February 22, 2021. (Demetrius Freeman/Reuters)

Earlier this spring, in the wake of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, we ran an essay by National Review Institute Chairman Peter J. Travers entitled, “The Wild Beasts Are Real.” In the statement, Travers argued that, “we must renew our personal commitment to an informed understanding that braces an implacably anti-totalitarian American foreign policy.” To that end, this afternoon, in Washington, D.C., NRI will be holding an important foreign policy forum making the case for American leadership on the world stage.

The event will feature conversations and remarks from speakers including: Senator Tom Cotton, Representative Mike Gallagher, Rich Lowry, Jay Nordlinger, John Hillen, Elliott Abrams, and Victoria Coates.

The event starts at 2:30. You can watch it live or stream on C-Span 1 at this link. Or you can stream it via YouTube below:

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