The Corner

Wanted: More Rightwing Back Office Jobs

From a reader:

Mr. Goldberg: I am a freelancer, but in sales and marketing. Why is it that the occasional job notifications that are presented at NRO invariably involve work involving content generation? It is, I imagine, partly because those who post on NRO are in that line of work. Thing is, the majority of your readers are not. Speaking for myself, I would love to learn about opportunities in sales and marketing for conservative– broadly understood– print start-ups and web portals. It would be a pleasure to use my skills for an outfit advocating principles similar to those I hold as well. Much like with writing and editing gigs, though, such opportunities rarely become available to those outside of a particular social or business network. As someone who does not live in DC or NYC I would love to be able to learn about such opportunities on The Corner as often as I learn about editing jobs. Keep up the great work, and I look forward to the book.

Update: Attention salespeople. I meant nothing derogatory by “back office.” In fact, until recently when NR moved (I haven’t been to the new digs yet), the business guys were in the front and the editorial guys were wayyy back in steerage. 

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