The Corner

Want to Help Defend Israel? Canadian Launches Crowdfunding Campaign for Iron Dome Anti-Missile

Israel’s Iron Dome defense system is very effective — and very expensive. But Israel supporters everywhere can now pitch in. An Indiegogo crowd-funding campaign has begun that hopes to raise $62,000: the reported cost of a single Iron Dome anti-missile. Begun by a Canadian citizen from Calgary, the campaign pitch reads:

According to one CNN report, each Iron Dome anti-missile costs about US$62,000. What would happen if hundreds — maybe even thousands — of people around the world chipped in a few dollars here and there, and then we sent a cheque to the Government of Israel to buy more Iron Dome anti-missiles? Of course, we couldn’t actually buy an Iron Dome anti-missile. But we could donate the exact amount of money to the Israeli government, and ask them to put it towards that defensive system, or any other civilian defence project in affected parts of Israel.

It wouldn’t be for an offensive weapon. You can’t use the Iron Dome to attack anyone. It’s 100% defensive — like a bulletproof vest. It only saves lives. And it doesn’t discriminate — it protects Jewish, Muslim and Christian Israelis all the same [emphasis original].

Interested individuals can donate however much they please, but an $18 (CAD) donation will secure “Supporter” status, and for a $250 (CAD) donation a tree will be planted in Israel in the donor’s name.

Sixty-nine people have donated so far, raising $4,914 (CAD), or 8 percent, of the goal. The campaign, which started on July 31, will close at 11:59 p.m. (PST) on Thursday, August 14.

Below is the campaign’s promotional video:

Ian Tuttle is a doctoral candidate at the Catholic University of America. He is completing a dissertation on T. S. Eliot.
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