The Corner

Wall to Wall Limbaugh at the White House

The House Republican leadership weighs in on the White House’s strategy of using pliant media organs to pump the Limbaugh non-story for a fifth consecutive day (and beyond) of wall-to-wall coverage:

WASHINGTON, D.C. – House Republican Leader John Boehner (R-OH) today released the following statement on attempts by the Obama Administration to divert attention away from the economy and its massive spending spree:


“Political operatives in the White House are trying to divert attention away from the challenges facing our economy, the sinking stock market, and the irresponsible spending binge they are presiding over.  This diversionary tactic will not  create a single job or help a single family struggling in today’s economic crisis.  That’s where our focus should be.  President Obama has said we must change the way Washington operates in order to address the challenges we are facing.  In the midst of a deepening recession, White House staff should have higher priorities than this cynical strategy.”

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