The Corner

Vox Populi on Obama’s Health Reform

Today’s Rasmussen Poll asks a real gut-check question on Obama’s health-reform plan; namely, if it passes will your own health-care coverage get better or worse? Overall, only 19% of likely voters believe their health coverage will improve while 37% think it will get worse. But, as always, the cross tabs are even more revealing.

There seems to be a direct correlation between the percentage who see a personal benefit from enactment of health reform and both income and age. Other than the young and less affluent, practically all voters are concerned by what they’ve been hearing in Washington these days.

Here is what Rasmussen found:

Income                                   % Saying their Health Coverage Will Get Better

Under $20,000                                                         – 46%

$20-40,000                                                              – 21%

$40-60,000                                                              – 19%

$60-75,000                                                              – 12%

$75-100,000                                                            –  8%

$100,000 +                                                              –  5%


18-29                                                                       – 33%

30-39                                                                       – 24%

40-49                                                                       – 21%

50-64                                                                       – 13%

65 +                                                                         –  6%

Lawmakers should take a long, hard look at these numbers. As they prepare for their August town-hall constituent meetings, they should keep in mind that virtually all of the middle-income and middle-class voters in their districts are profoundly wary of this latest experiment in government micromanagement.

Michael G. Franc — Mr. Franc is vice president of government studies at the Heritage Foundation.
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