The Corner

Voting for Santa

A reader comments:

From Radio Derb:  “‘No taxation without representation!’ The Tea Party protestors of our time don’t have that cry available to them. We do have representation. The destruction of freedom and prosperity is proceeding with the full support of our elected representatives in Congress, under the leadership of a President easily elected by a majority of voters.”

Methinks an appropriate cry today might be “No representation without taxation.” That would eliminate over 40 percent of the electorate, leaving the productive 60 percent in charge.

[Me]   For sure, decade by decade, universal adult suffrage is looking like a worse and worse idea. Unfortunately, as with term limits (a very good idea), the people who get to vote on it are mostly the people who benefit from the status quo.

John Derbyshire — Mr. Derbyshire is a former contributing editor of National Review.
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