The Corner

Victim of Turkey-Iran Rapprochement?

An interlocutor writes:

An Iranian, Ali Sadeghi who was arrested and imprisoned in 1999 during that summer’s Students Uprising, Mr. Sadeghi, escaped to Turkey and sought refuge with the UNHCR in Turkey. He was accepted by Finland as a political refuge and was scheduled to leave for Helsinki on June 8,2007, but the Turkey authorities apparently prevented him from leaving Turkey. No reason for this action was given.

I had reviewed Sadeghi’s book, here. If true, it would be tragic if, in their quest for oil, refinery, and power plant construction contracts, the Turkish government decided to begin handing dissidents back to Iran for torture and imprisonment. And, it is unfortunate that UNHCR and Finland, which recently held the EU presidency, are so silent on such cases.

Michael Rubin is a resident scholar at the American Enterprise Institute, senior lecturer at the Naval Postgraduate School’s Center for Civil-Military Relations, and a senior editor of the Middle East Quarterly.
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