The Corner

Vet Says VA Makes Patients Wait Hours for Prescriptions to Be Filled

Army veteran Kenneth Knox said a California VA hospital’s pharmacy has a disturbing policy: Intentionally discourage veterans from filling prescriptions.

“Their policy was to make the veterans wait for a prescription three to four hours to discourage them from having prescriptions filled at the Mather pharmacy,” Knox said.

Knox was a military-police officer in Vietnam and Korea, and suffers from medical issues that require painkillers. When Knox went to Mather, Calif., VA hospital’s pharmacy to fill his prescription for Vicodin recently, he says he was forced to wait three hours.

Dr. David Siegel, the hospital’s chief of medicine, said he doesn’t know anything about patients being discouraged from filling prescriptions.

“That is not an official policy, I have never heard that,” Siegel said. “I work quite closely with the pharmacy, and its one of our best services to be quite frank.”

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