The Corner


Veep Vetting

Rich and Co., on today’s edition of The Editors, had a rousing discussion about Trump’s vice-presidential possibilities.

Marco Rubio, J. D. Vance, and Doug Burgum — among others — seem to have their names mentioned most. And while a recent NBC report hinted that Rubio might take his name out, Noah was skeptical. He found it “very hard to believe that Mr. Rubio is simply uninterested in power.”

MBD favored Vance’s chances, and said that Vance “is loyal to Trump in a way that I think few other candidates would be.”

Jim chimed in, saying, “The problem for Trump is that he really needs some figure like Scott Walker, Rick Snyder, Pat Toomey — somebody who, you know, has won statewide, preferably more than once.”

And Rich? Well, he’s holding out for Glenn Youngkin.

Listen in to hear the entire discussion.

The Editors podcast is recorded on Tuesdays and Fridays every week and is available wherever you listen to podcasts.

Sarah Schutte is the podcast manager for National Review and an associate editor for National Review magazine. Originally from Dayton, Ohio, she is a children's literature aficionado and Mendelssohn 4 enthusiast.
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