The Corner

National Security & Defense

The U.S. and the Migrant Crisis

A friend e-mails pointing out that the U.S. accepts more migrants than any country on Earth:

We also are the only country that routinely hands out citizenship docs to migrants (while giving it automatically to their children). Consider: 1 in 4 U.S. residents is an immigrant or the child of an immigrant. 1 in 5 global migrants lives inside the United States (even though only 1 in 20 people in the world live inside the United States). The size of our foreign-born population – 42 million – is larger than most countries. We are the second largest Spanish speaking country in the world. We have one of the largest expatriate Muslim populations in the world. In addition to our refugee programs for poor migrants, we also dispense 9 in 10 green cards to poor countries in Asia, Middle East, Africa and Latin America. No welfare test is applied. Half of our immigrant population is on welfare. In CA, half of the state has immigrant parents. In NYC, nearly 4 in 10 residents were born outside the U.S. We accept more refugees each year than any other country, accept more permanent immigrants each year than any other country, and more illegals than any other country (2.5 million alone since Obama came into office). Etc., etc.

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