The Corner

Upping The Anti

One of the first things you notice about liberal media bias is how conservatives are defined by their “antis.” Since to liberals, conservatives are “foes” and “opponents,” they rarely surface in the liberal news outlets as “pro”-anything. (I’m sure it pleases liberals to always place their enemies into a pose of crochety negativism.)

For one small example, the front page of today’s Washington Post carries a perfectly fine story profiling an anti-Bush lefty and a pro-Bush righty coming to Washington for different reasons. But notice who gets their anti- upped in the front page captions.

“Protesting: Jon Bjornstad, 55, is a vegetarian pacifist and a software engineer. He had lived in a commune.”

“Celebrating: Anna Bryson, 60, is a businesswoman, an antiabortion Catholic, and a foe of same-sex marriage.”

Tim GrahamTim Graham is Director of Media Analysis at the Media Research Center, where he began in 1989, and has served there with the exception of 2001 and 2002, when served ...
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