The Corner


UNC’S Leftist-Crazed Curriculum

We keep hearing that many colleges and universities are loaded with courses that are far more about implanting “progressive” ideology than in teaching knowledge and skills. Well, it’s true, at the University of North Carolina, anyway.

In today’s Martin Center article, UNC senior Harrington Shaw looks at the university’s course catalogue and finds that it is saturated with ideological junk.

He writes:

Unfortunately, the number of truly rigorous and enlightening courses available to UNC students continues to dwindle. In their place, the course catalog is increasingly filled with postmodern, intersectional, and critical theory-based offerings. Why bore English majors with lectures on Jane Austen or William Shakespeare when you can instead provide them with courses such as English 687, “Queer LatinX Environmentalisms”?

Courses dealing with race, gender, intersectionality, and other leftist obsessions are very common.

Shaw continues:

A search for “equity,” meanwhile, leads to illuminating courses such as “Decolonizing Maternal and Child Health,” a seminar that “provides . . . an opportunity to examine key theories and qualitative methodologies that advance anti-racist, abolitionist, intersectional feminist, and emancipatory scholarship for health equity and reproductive justice.”

That’s a course for the professor to propound his or her opinions, not to present a body of knowledge.

Read the whole thing.

George Leef is the the director of editorial content at the James G. Martin Center for Academic Renewal. He is the author of The Awakening of Jennifer Van Arsdale: A Political Fable for Our Time.
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