The Corner


GOP Spending Groups Raise $15 Million in Second Quarter to Boost Down-Ballot Republicans

Two groups working to elect down-ballot Republican candidates in 2024 — the Republican State Leadership Committee (RSLC) and the State Government Leadership Foundation (SGLF) — jointly raised $15 million from April to June, marking a record-breaking second-quarter haul and bringing the groups’ combined fundraising to $62.7 million this cycle.

That cash will come in handy now that things are looking even more electorally favorable for Republican candidates nationwide amid the intra-party Democratic chaos surrounding President Joe Biden, who is facing calls from members of his own party to bow out of the 2024 election after last month’s debate.

“Securing yet another record-breaking fundraising quarter illustrates the strong momentum behind state Republicans as the RSLC continues to fight to ensure hardworking Americans elect leaders who will support an agenda to counter the out-of-touch policies coming from Democrats in Washington D.C.,” RSLC President Dee Duncan said in a statement to National Review.

The funds will be used to help elect and defend battleground-state Republican candidates for state legislature, lieutenant governor, secretary of state, agriculture offices, and conservative state judgeships across the country, “while Democrats remain in disarray over the top of their ticket,” Duncan added. “And while we will likely never be able to match the constellation of national Democrat organizations that spend on state legislative races dollar for dollar, we will fight back and win with smart, targeted investments of our own.”

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