The Corner


Twenty Things That Caught My Eye Today: Seminarian Murdered in Iraq, Rush Limbaugh & More (Feb. 4, 2020)

1. It was announced over the weekend that an 18-year-old seminarian in Nigeria has been murdered.

2. Copts Fear Retaliation for Speaking Publicly about Persecution

3. This continues:

4. ‘Persecuted even after death’: China bans Christians from holding religious funerals

5. Phoenix mom accused of killing 3 kids had them taken away in the past, prosecutor says

6. Choosing an adoption professional

7. Homeless teens who’ve aged out of foster care moving into tiny homes

8. Rush Limbaugh has been very kind to me over the years and I’m so sad to hear of his current suffering. I’m praying for him and I’m heartened by those who would pray for him even if they don’t agree with him on things. It’s ugly out there on social media, and such moments should make us more human and loving. God bless Rush and all who suffer from cancer and other ruthless illnesses.

9. A priest in upstate New York needs a liver.

10. The New York State Alliance Against Assisted Suicide held a press conference with doctors opposing assisted suicide in Albany today. Proponents of assisted suicide are in intensify mode in New York, unfortunately. We seem to not be able to get enough of unnecessary death of the vulnerable here.

11. From Canada: Medical aid in dying should be extended to people with mental illness, report says

12. Teen spent over a year raising $10k for a baby drop-off box. Last week, a newborn was left inside

13. These Anti-Abortion Women Say They’re the Real Feminists: ‘Feminism Includes Women Who Aren’t Born Yet’ 

14. Legislators in New York State are also pushing for mandatory HPV Vaccination for School Attendance

15. My Simeon and Anna (by Sister Constance, one of the Little Sisters of the Poor)

16. About Iowa: My beloved friend Kate O’Beirne doesn’t care about such things where she is anymore, but I distinctly remember a conversation in a West Wing waiting area with Tony Blankley, who has also left us. He had just moved on from his tenure at the Washington Times, and she was clearly a little envious. “If I never have to go to Iowa again . . .” she said wistfully. That’s no dislike for the good people of Iowa, but the caucus system hasn’t made much sense in a long while. And my feeling in Iowa and New Hampshire, back when I would sometimes show up for these things, is that the people there didn’t really want us all there. (Save for the hotel and restaurant owners.) Anyway, there are things I’d much rather get the chance to talk about, but I am imagining her clever comments about yesterday’s debacle.

On the other hand, I do often think God spared her these political years.

17. Why Kobe Bryant took his Catholic faith so seriously

18. Invoking the Tradition: Catholic Social Teaching in Policy Debates

19. “Make Room for Lemonade Stands”

20. I’m not commenting on the Super Bowl halftime show, but #SuperBowlinTheConvent may be the best of the annual event.

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