The Corner


Twenty Things That Caught My Eye Today (December 20, 2019)

1. About Christianity Today and impeachment: A lot of Christians made a prudential judgment about Donald Trump based chiefly on abortion, right? If the Democrats weren’t as obnoxiously radical as they are on that and other cultural issues, I think you would have seen a number of more conservative-minded people vote for a reasonable Democrat. That was not a choice in the last presidential election. I frequently find I don’t have a very high tolerance for outrage about things Donald Trump does and says because we knew what we were getting into to a large extent. I also think that representative who said they are voting to impeach him because he is going to win reelection has a point.

It’s part of the reason, I think, Christianity Today did what it did in endorsing his removal from office. As Peggy Noonan points out in her column today, the Democrats’ extremism has made Trump into this savior figure he is for some and possibly himself. So they are seeing that in the atmosphere and I suspect they are doing the same thing I do — tune into a Trump rally from time to time like I did this week and I hear him ridiculing Representative Debbie Dingell and wondering aloud if her late husband is in hell or not. That’s cruel and wrong. Has Donald Trump been cruel before? Of course. But what is it doing to us? A daily examen is a good thing, and I don’t think CT’s editorial should be dismissed, as I’ve seen it, as not based on Biblical principles. Asking what is the long-term damage to this country continuing on this road is not a progressive loser move, it’s a healthy one.

Look, I introduced Ivanka Trump at a paid-family leave event a few weeks ago. I’ve been to administration adoption sessions. Encouraging the good is important and there are a lot of good people trying to do good in government today that don’t necessarily make the headlines. But we should be constantly asking what is going on with our national soul here. You see how people are treating one another. You heard some of the over-the-top, out-of-line things being said on the House floor and in presidential tweets. I’m glad the editors at Christianity Today seem to be praying and thinking and caring about things longer term than the next election, even while thinking about exactly that with more than zero-sum politics, as they say, in mind.

It’s a prudential call they are making, but don’t dismiss and ridicule them. Be grateful they are thinking and praying and covering important things, which they do. (Mindy Belz on the persecuted comes to mind, big-time.)



4. I really do continue to wish Tulsi Gabbard had a little bit more traction. She seems to have a real conscience about things. I hope she plays a role in our political future. A leadership role for her in the Democratic party would be a good thing.


5. Also, what a classy response from Debbie Dingell


7. Robert Nicholson: When Religious Freedom is Not Enough

8. Baylor Professor Assesses the Main Factors in Christian Persecution

9. U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom Authorized for Three Years

10. Planned Parenthood Blocks California Bill That Would Help Patients Report Abuse

11. 7-year-old boy in domestic violence shelter writes heartbreaking letter to Santa | FOX 11 Los Angeles

12. Christmas and the Holidays: A Time of Joy and Sorrow for Children in Foster Care

13. I was born into foster care. A mentor would have made a big difference in my life

14. The new Miss America’s cause is foster care

CORRECTION: She’s the runner up! Apologies for pretending to be a pageant expert!



17. A religious congregation of blind sisters contemplates the face of Christ — Catholic World Report

18. The Babylon Bee Editorial Board Calls On All Of Washington To Resign

19 Dan Darling: The real Christmas story is a subversive tale about a new start for a corrupt world


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