The Corner


Trump Up by 2 in CNBC Poll

Republican presidential nominee and former president Donald Trump campaigns in Charlotte, N.C., July 24, 2024. (Marco Bello/Reuters)

The new CNBC poll is better for Trump than others out there.

A couple of interesting items from it.

It may be a little tiresome to hear Republicans say over and over, whenever Trump steps in it, that he should talk about the economy more. But it really is a core strength of his candidacy:

On the economy, by 2-to-1, Americans think they will be better off financially under Trump. That’s largely driven by the 79% of Republicans who believe their economic fortunes will improve if Trump takes the White House. Just 48% of Democrats believe they will be better off if Harris wins, compared with 42% who say it makes no difference. As for independents, 31% think they will be better financially if Trump wins, 10% if Harris wins and 54% don’t think it matters.

There has been a reshuffling of voters by age:

Young voters showed far greater supporter for Harris than they did for Biden, backing the vice president now by 10 points, compared with backing Trump by 2 points in the NBC July poll. That was offset by a big swing of 12 points among voters aged 35-49 toward Trump.

And who is perceived as the change candidate is a key thematic fight in this race:

One key reason why the two are so close: Harris leads Trump 39%-38% when voters are asked who is “better to bring positive change to the country” — a virtual tie.
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