The Corner


Trump: ‘Undeniably Manly’

David Azerrad, my former professor and a genius man, just said at the National Conservatism conference in Washington, D.C., that the “regime” hates Donald Trump because he goes against the feminine spirit that the Left champions. Trump is “undeniably manly,” he added, which is why the Left hates him so much. “The remasculinization of men,” however, might save our country: “Manliness is as American as apple pie.”

Men shouldn’t turn to people like Andrew Tate to defend the virtues and practice of manliness, Azerrad said, which is true. Conservatives should encourage genuine manliness.

Manliness has many meanings, maybe. Honorable manliness is not, to me at least, sleeping with a porn star after your wife gives birth, but I am a woman, a member of the “gynocracy,” as Azerrad called it. Conservatives should counter the feminized version of manliness that progressives propose and the hyper-online version of manliness more commonly promoted among Republicans. I find better models among Republicans than Donald Trump — chiefly men like Azerrad, some of his colleagues at Hillsdale College, even some more noble (non-convicted) politicians. Just a thought.

Haley Strack is a William F. Buckley Fellow in Political Journalism and a recent graduate of Hillsdale College.
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