The Corner

Politics & Policy

Trump: ‘How Stupid Are the People of Iowa?’

John Fund asks if Trump jumped the shark last night. It feels like we’ve heard about Donald Trump’s imminent collapse many times in this cycle, and he’s only slid a little. But last night’s Trump rant against Carson in Iowa, punctuated by his question, “How stupid are the people of Iowa? How stupid are the people of the country to believe this crap?” feels like a turning point.

(As others have noted, the faces in the crowd behind Trump, and the lack of laughter or applause throughout his rant, indicates the crowd didn’t like the billionare comparing Carson to a child molester.)

Yes, separately on CNN, Trump contended that Ben Carson has a “pathological” temper that he likened to child molestation and contended that Marco Rubio wants “amnesty” because he and his parents are Hispanic.

(Ben Carson has a pathological temper? The guy who Trump was just slamming for having less energy than Jeb Bush?)

Carly Fiorina responded with a particular sense of relish:

Donald, sorry, I’ve got to interrupt again. You would know something about pathological. How was that meeting with Putin? Or Wharton? Or your self funded campaign? Anyone can turn a multi-million dollar inheritance into more money, but all the money in the world won’t make you as smart as Ben Carson.

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