The Corner

Transition Team

Via the House GOP:

As Republicans prepare for a new majority in the House of Representatives, Transition Chairman Greg Walden (R-OR) today announced the members of a transition team who will help ensure the House is ready to act right away on the priorities of the American people in January. Members of this team will work to implement the congressional reforms included in the Pledge to America and look at additional ways to make Congress more transparent, cost-efficient, and accountable to the people. Ready to get to work, the transition team will hold its first meeting this evening with further meetings scheduled for Tuesday. Upon announcement of the team members, Rep. Walden released the following statement.

“Americans have sent a clear message that Congress must be run differently, and this team is ready to prove that we’re listening,” said Rep. Walden. “Our transition team includes proven leaders who will meet our challenge to restore the House of Representatives as a great deliberative body that respects the will of the American people. The diverse mix of experience, backgrounds, and regions represented by this group will help to ensure this process brings meaningful reform to how Washington does business. Each one of these members accepted this responsibility with an encouraging enthusiasm, and I’m thankful to all of them for serving.”

Members of the GOP Majority Transition Team

Rep. Rob Bishop (UT-1)

Rep. John Campbell (CA-48)

Rep. Shelley Moore Capito (WV-2)

Rep. Jason Chaffetz (UT-3)

Rep. Tom Cole (OK-4)

Rep. Mike Conaway (TX-11)

Rep. David Dreier (CA-26)

Rep.-elect Cory Gardner (CO-4)

Rep. Bob Goodlatte (VA-6)

Rep. Doc Hastings (WA-4)

Rep. Jeb Hensarling (TX-5)

Rep. Jim Jordan (OH-4)

Rep.-elect Adam Kinzinger (IL-11)

Rep. Buck McKeon (CA-25)

Rep. Candice Miller (MI-10)

Rep.-elect Martha Roby (AL-2)

Rep. Mike Rogers (MI-8)

Rep. Paul Ryan (WI-1)

Rep.-elect Tim Scott (SC-1)

Rep. Pete Sessions (TX-32)

Rep. Pat Tiberi (OH-12)

It’s good to see some incoming freshmen — Scott, Roby, Kinzinger, and Gardner — getting into the mix.

Robert Costa was formerly the Washington editor for National Review.
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