The Corner

Torture, Murder & Gonzales

“Sen. John Warner (R-VA) chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee has

said making the videos [of Iraqi prisoners in U.S. custody being insulted

and humiliated] public might endanger more men and women serving in the

armed forces in Iraq.”

But, hey, what does that matter, if we can keep conservatives off the

federal bench?

“Sen. Carl Levin (D-MI), the ranking Democrat on the Senate Armed Services

Committee, said the videos should be made public and that they proved to him

that there was an organized policy of abusing prisoners to get

information — approved by the White House.”

Define “abusing.” Some of these prisoners are ruthless terrorists with the

blood of Americans — and, of course, many Iraqis — on their hands. Most

of them have done something or other to end up in custody. If U.S.

interrogators yell at them, is that “abuse”? If they threaten or intimidate

them, is that “abuse”? If they prevent them going to the bathroom for a

couple of hours, is that “abuse”? If they smack them upside the head, is

that “abuse”?

Nobody seems much interested in drawing lines here. There’s a lot of loose

talk about “torture” and even, from the more hysterical kind of

commentators, “murder” of Iraqi prisoners by U.S. troops.

I have seen evidence of some disgraceful and un-soldierly behavior by U.S.

troops, for which the persons suspected have been arrested and will be tried

and punished. I have not seen any evidence of “torture” (ripping out

fingernails, applying blowtorches to flesh) or “murder” (killing). Where is

that evidence? Where is it?

The level of cant here is sickening.

John Derbyshire — Mr. Derbyshire is a former contributing editor of National Review.
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