The Corner

Tom Kean and Lee Hamilton Are Right

We have a new editorial up about how Congress is misspending our homeland-security money. We write: “Our homeland-security spending should be guided by an objective risk assessment, giving priority to areas where the odds of an attack—and the likely consequences of attack—are highest.” Read the editorial here.

And then head over to the homepage and see what else we have to offer: a taste of what Kate will be giving you in her January-release book; Abby Thernstrom and Ed Blum on the Left’s redistricting screaming; Mac Owens on Iraq and strategy; Rich Lowry on Wal-Mart’s success pains; I’ve got an interview up with Dr. William Hurlbut, who might just stem the divide in the stem-cell wars, or so is his hope in Altered Nuclear Transfer. And if you didn’t, read Tom Smith on the Iraqi army, Peter Berkowitz on the Solomon Amendment case being heard in the Supreme Court today….and catch up in general on your NRO reading here.

Happy Tuesday.

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